Mayones Duvell Q 6 Winter Heather John Brown Signature
Mayones Setius 6 Jeans Black Orange Burst
The Mayones Regius Gothic 6 Antique Black is especially designed for modern metal with a focus on hard as nails sounds, fast...
Mayones Regius Core Gothic 7 Baritone Gothic Black Pored Yellow
As guitarist of the British-American band Monuments, John Browne undoubtedly belongs to the avant-garde of modern progessive...
Mayones Duvell QATSI 6 (Ajna Burst)
Mayones Setius Gothic 6 Monolith Black Pored Red – электрическая гитара с топом из ясеня и активными звукоснимателями Seymour D...
Mayones Regius Core Classic 6 2-Tone Sunburst
Mayones instruments are truly handmade in a traditional luthier style accompanied with state-of-art technology and equipped w...